Studien Präsentation: A Feminist European Green Deal – Towards an ecological and gender just transition

01.03.2022 | Allgemein

Am 2. März 2022 ist es soweit. Gemeinsam mit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Women Engage for a Common Future und dem European Environment Bureau, stelle ich unsere gemeinsame Studie vor.

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Studie: A Feminist European Green Deal – Towards an ecological and gender just transition.

Online Launch Event

March 2nd, 2022, 10-11.00 am CET,
English without translation

The European Green Deal is the European Union’s most ambitious and comprehensive climate program to date. It shows a path toward decarbonization and climate neutrality to keep the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement alive and limit global warming to 1,5 °C. The concept of a just transition, the promise that no one shall be left behind along this path, is rightly at the heart of the European Green Deal.

But not everyone is impacted equally by the climate crisis and climate policies. Oftentimes, women and men are affected in very different ways. Yet thus far, the European Green Deal has been gender-blind. This is problematic because such measures run the risk of perpetuating or even exacerbating gender-based inequalities. The European Green Deal’s just transition needs to address more broadly how people are impacted differently by the climate crisis to bring about transformative change.

That is why together with the Friedrich-Ebert-StiftungWomenEngage for a Common Future and the European Environmental Bureau invite you to this online launch of our policy paper that examines the climate policy measures of the European Green Deal from a feminist perspective. It focuses on solutions in the sectors with the highest emissions: mobility, energy and agriculture and makes policy recommendations for a gender-just and transformative implementation of the European Green Deal.

Registrater by Tuesday 1.3. by sending an email with your name and contact information to 



10.00 Welcome and Introduction

Delara Burkhardt, Member of the European Parliament, Socialists & Democrats

Yvonne Blos, International Climate Policy Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

10.10 Opening Remarks

Clara Mayer,  Fridays for Future

10.20 Presentation of the policy paper: “A Feminist European Green Deal – Towards an ecological and gender just transition”

Gabriele Köhler, Women Engage for a Common Future

Katharina Wiese, European Environmental Bureau

10.40 Feedback and Discussion

11.00 End of Session